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Product Code: DISABILITY101

Price: $149.00

10 or more $129.00
25 or more $109.00
50 or more $89.00
- +
Mindset’s Disability Literacy 101 is an on-demand e-learning course that not only educates, but entertains too… content which encourages engagement and learning about disability inclusion in the workplace.

Designed to influence corporate culture and allyship, the course normalizes differences through authentic lived-experiences shared by highly-regarded subject-matter experts representing a wide spectrum of varying disabilities. Assumptions, stereotypes and biases are challenged with common sense scenarios served up with candour and humour.

Learners are led through seven topic-specific micro-credential modules by host Jeff Tiessen, renowned Paralympian, publisher and presenter, and an amputee of 45 years.

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Meet & Greet - Introduction to Disability Inclusion
The disability community, with all of its diversity and intersectionality, is not easily painted with a broad brush. Instead, it’s better described as a canvas of fine strokes. A high-level starter course in what is, and is not, important to the community. Module Time: 14 minutes

As Seen on TV - Disability Media Portrayals
Popular media readily lean into wondrous and sometimes weird portrayals of disabled persons. Sentimental and charitable representations too often make the cut as well. It’s time to get real, and why authenticity is important. Module Time: 14 minutes

Let’s Talk Semantics - Disability Language
Person-first and identity-first language is explained. And while there are specific words that no longer belong in the disability vernacular, disability euphemisms are not commonly appreciated either. Well-intentioned language wins the day. Module Time: 13 minutes

No Praise Required - Inspiration Exhaustion
There are plenty of accomplishments in the disability community that are worthy of admiration and inspiration, but grocery shopping and walking the dog are not among them. How to avoid patronizing praise. Module Time (Step 1 & 2): 22 minutes

Unconscious Bias - Stereotypes and Assumptions
The human mind is designed to categorize. But those boxes can be reorganized and re-labeled. Identifying unconscious bias and how it fuels disability stereotypes, myths and misconceptions creates new pathways for new perspectives. Module Time: 15 minutes

Do I or Don’t I? - Disability Etiquette
Like any group, the disability community has an established set of social norms and expectations which extends to language, interactions, personal space, mobility equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers and canes, and offering help. Genuine intention wins the day. Module Time: 14 minutes

Ready, Willing & Ableist - Understanding Ableism
Peeling back the layers on the most pervasive problem for the disability community with examples of common things ableists say, do and think. Recognizing ableism, even if unintentional or mundane, is crucial to unlearning harmful attitudes. Module Time (Step 1 & 2): 20 minutes